Thursday, June 28, 2007

~~Random Feelings because of a random song~~

It began with the song running round and round in my brain. Green. But now, the symphony has been shattered and…it has flown into a hundred pieces in all directions. Can’t collect the pieces. Don’t want to. Brown. Started off on a beautiful, blissful note with that tune giving comfort and a feeling of peace which I could feel circulating in every part of me. And small emotions come and take their places in the most obscure, undesirable corners, in the vacant rooms of sadness, and spaces where complacence resided only minutes ago. Yellow. So many emotions and thoughts at one single time. Then, there is a point where all of them are put into one slot, confusing themselves, and us, to bits. Pink.


keshy said...

very appropriate indeed to end with Pink! :-)

Sharadha Kalyanam said...

One of the most abstract. I still don't remember what I was thinking when I wrote that. =]